
15 08.22

EBS International Summer School on Digitalization and Sustainability

15.08.2022 10:00 - 19.08.2022 17:00
A.Lauteri 3, room 413
EBS International Summer School

After a successful inaugural year, the second International Summer School at the Estonian Business School (EBS) on digital and green transformations is planned for 15-18 August 2022 in Tallinn and for 19 August at our campus in Helsinki. The motivation for the business school’s focus is the understanding that the digital and green transformation can only happen with significant changes in business models. While everybody has heard that data is the new oil, it is not the quantity of data that matters but how data enhances our understanding of the world.  


This summer school focuses on the rapidly growing digital and sustainability sectors, both of which are enabled by the data revolution. The Estonian Business School brings together students and speakers from all over the world, allowing for the exchange of ideas on sustainability and digitalization. While the former is Estonia’s strength, the latter is still a field where Estonia can learn from the international context. 


Combining our diverse business, economic, policy, and management perspectives offered by the summer school’s distinguished faculty, lecturers, and speakers will provide fundamental ingredients for generating new ideas. We are well on our way to making this event a summer tradition at EBS, providing a platform for future leaders to gather at EBS and turn their ideas into reality. 

The summer school is for master’s and doctoral students and students who have finished their undergraduate degrees. There are need-based scholarships available, as well as online streaming options for those who cannot attend in person. 


For the full details on the program, please see the link below. 




Add to Calendar 2022-08-15 10:00:00 2022-08-19 17:00:00 EBS International Summer School on Digitalization and Sustainability After a successful inaugural year, the second International Summer School at the Estonian Business School (EBS) on digital and green transformations is planned for 15-18 August 2022 in Tallinn and for 19 August at our campus in Helsinki. The motivation for the business school’s focus is the understanding that the digital and green transformation can only happen with significant changes in business models. While everybody has heard that data is the new oil, it is not the quantity of data that matters but how data enhances our understanding of the world.     This summer school focuses on the rapidly growing digital and sustainability sectors, both of which are enabled by the data revolution. The Estonian Business School brings together students and speakers from all over the world, allowing for the exchange of ideas on sustainability and digitalization. While the former is Estonia’s strength, the latter is still a field where Estonia can learn from the international context.    Combining our diverse business, economic, policy, and management perspectives offered by the summer school’s distinguished faculty, lecturers, and speakers will provide fundamental ingredients for generating new ideas. We are well on our way to making this event a summer tradition at EBS, providing a platform for future leaders to gather at EBS and turn their ideas into reality.  The summer school is for master’s and doctoral students and students who have finished their undergraduate degrees. There are need-based scholarships available, as well as online streaming options for those who cannot attend in person.    For the full details on the program, please see the link below.    https://ebs.ee/en/oppekava/ebs-international-summer-school-digitalization-and-sustainability    A.Lauteri 3, room 413 EBS info@ebs.ee Europe/Tallinn public