International Cooperation

EBS has over 60 partner universities in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia enabling a wide exchange of both students and lecturers. We encourage our students to test themselves in a new academic and cultural environment, build their network to find possible future business partners and get an international experience.



Full list of partner universities


International Projects

duration PROJECT NAME Contact person
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018 Title: Systematic Development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education at all levels of education Toomas Danneberg
  Description: The aim of the programme „Systematic Development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education at all levels of education“ is to develop entrepreneurial education at all levels of education and to integrate supportive methodology and content into study processes. Development of entrepreneurial mind-set and skills of students, also deepening entrepreneurial knowledge of teachers and lecturers and entrepreneurs, are supported through the activities of the programme. The main acivities of EBS are: development of conceptual framework, methods, content and materials for entrepreneurial education; trainings for teachers, lecturers and entrepreneurs; development of pre-incubation model at universities; surveys and learning through the best practices of other countries.  
30.11.2013 - 31.08.2017 Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Encouraging (ELITE) Olav Aarna
  Description: ELITE project is aiming at strengthening the role of Ukrainian HEIs in implementation of Public Policy on Human Resources Development (HRD) as engines for society progress through realization of services for leadership and organizational development (L&OD).  
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018 Modernising Human Resources Management in South Mediterranean Higher Education Olav Aarna
  Description: The Project is aiming at contributing to South Mediterranean Higher Education Reform Agenda through the modernisation of People Management. This objective is targeted by means of three focused specific actions: capacity building in HRM for the target South Mediterranean HEIs towards stronger organisational efficiency; creation of regional Network on HRM as a forum for exchange of good practices; conceiving and developing institutional HR strategies in South Mediterranean HEIs.  
01.06.2016 - 31.05.2017 Developing Interdisciplinary Pre-Incubation Model in Product Innovation and Establishing Co-Working Space for Implementing the Model at Akaki Tsereteli State University, in Kutaisi, West-Georgia Toomas Danneberg
  Description: The project aims to increase entrepreneurial activity and to encourage and strengthen entrepreneurial mindset at Akaki Tsereteli State University (ATSU), in Kutaisi, in Georgia. To achieve these aims, Interdisciplinary Pre- Incubation Model in Product Innovation that meets the needs and particularities of the partner will be introduced, a network of local mentors will be developed and co-working space named „Estonian-Georgian Entrepreneurship Center“ for implementing the model will be established in the framework of this project. These aims support in turn the creation and sustainable development of scalable small businesses in Kutaisi.   


IFI - Innovative Finance Inclusion in Academia and Field 



IFI has been selected for EU co-funding by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) as an Erasmus+ programme for capacity building in higher education.

IFI Project aims to systematically align the Israeli higher education system with global changes and develop new capacities for inclusive social finance on three levels: (a) Eco-system & Infrastructure, (b) Academy-Industry Cooperation, (c) Research, Teaching & Training.

IFI project aspires to support the refreshing (however, still rare) academic research on sustainable finance with teaching, education, and entrepreneurship actions. It is accomplished through training sessions, education programs, designed innovative sustainable finance investments fund, and mostly through mapping the field in Israel and Europe, to identify relevant stakeholders, change agents and community of practice in the Sustainable Finance (SF) field.

IFI brings an interdisciplinary approach, stressing shifting focus is needed not only in finance but also in economics, law, technology, design and education.

Gathering European and Israeli experts, the project acts as a platform to foster integrated community and cultivating evidence-based standards and practices, building a scope of knowledge and case studies, training investors, regulators and innovators, letting students practice ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) investments, and encourage innovation. All practices are key components of a thriving sustainable finance ecosystem and HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) capacity building. IFI is the first national consortium created explicitly to provide infrastructure, knowledge and innovation to further develop the sustainable and inclusive finance ecosystem in HEIs and field.


“Skilled Business Leaders for Skilled Europe” is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project bringing together 8 organizations from 7 different countries. This EU financed project is targeted to the academic institutions and management practitioners. Activities within the project will include preparation of cross-country report based on the findings of CEEMAN-led research on Management Development Needs in Dynamic Societies, development of guidelines for higher education institutions curricula, teaching materials and tools, and related education and dissemination events. In current leaflet you will find the short description of the project activities, contact information about the partners and timetable for project activities in 2017.
The project coordinator at EBS is Ms Marge Sassi (  




Higher Education Institution for Societal Engagement

The HEISE project, co-financed by Erasmus+ programme supports synergy between education, research and innovation activities. In this project we will approach the phenomena of societal impact from various perspectives - entrepreneurial, management, social sciences and policy and focus on artistic, art based and qualitative methods. For example, omitting the role of managers attitude towards diversity and social responsibility both in stakeholders organizations (e.g art organizations, cities, business) and in HEI would reduce the outcomes of the project. In addition, entrepreneurship is seen as a tool for integration for example for immigrants, as statistics show that they seem to become entrepreneurs more often than the local inhabitants – either by choice or non-choice. Thus, the project aims to create an innovative and attractive educational model based on experiential and challenge led learning. The innovation lies in engaging the owners of challenges and the students into joint teams and to use arts-based methods to understand the different point of views in solving the challenges.
The project coordinator at EBS is Ms Marge Sassi (


Youth BIZ Skillset

The goal of the project is to promote the business thinking and entrepreneurial skills among young people by developing methodological tools and training for young people and also for youth workers. Within the framework of the project, the comparative study among Latvia and Estonia on the skills required in today's labor market will be developed. The project is implemented in partnership of Latvian association "Latvian Young Entrepreneurs Centre "Jobs & Society"", the Estonian Business School and the Spanish Communications and Innovation Center. The project is funded through the resources of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership.


Study report: 
Skills Required in the Labour Market: Using Job Advertisements to Indentify Skills Requirements in the Labour Market

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EBS is a memeber of EURAXESS, which  is a pan-European initiative launched by the European Commission with the aim to support mobile researchers and their family members on their relocation to another country. The EURAXESS Network has over 520 member organisations in 40 countries. Researchers are advised on practical topics such as visas and residence permits, taxation, local research landscape, issues related to relocation with family and many more.

Read more


Contact person: 

Kristiina Urb



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